These days we commemorate the fallen, thank and wish long life to the veterans of allied Soviet and American armies as well as to the workers of the rear and all those who gave us this holiday, our peoples share. Victory Day celebrates the anniversary of Japan’s formal surrender in World War II and the victory of China. In a further symbol of growing strategic partnership between Russia and China, Chinese and Russian naval vessels met up to conduct live-fire drills this week in. Victory Day is celebrated on September 3, every year. The notice about the announcement states 'The move aims to allow people around the country to participate in activities to commemorate China’s victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the victory in the World. It is our common duty to preserve and firmly uphold the historical truth about those events, to honor and pass on through generations the memory of the lessons and victims of World War II, of everyone who fought Nazism and fascism for the sake of independence, salvation from enslavement and the destruction of entire countries and peoples, respect for human dignity, the triumph of the ideals of freedom and equality. The complete title of the day is 'The 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War and the World Anti-Fascist War Victory Commemoration Day'. The Chinese State Council unexpectedly announced this national holiday in May 2015. 'national celebration day'), officially the National Day of the People's Republic of China (), is a public holiday in China celebrated annually on 1 October as the national day of the People's Republic of China, commemorating the formal proclamation of the establishment of the People's Republic of. In the victorious year of 1945, liberator soldiers were admired and sincerely appreciated by the world. National Day (Chinese: pinyin: guqng ji lit. The peoples of the USSR, having shown an unprecedented heroic resistance, not only survived in a horrific battle against the enemy during the Great Patriotic War, but gave a peaceful future to succeeding generations at the cost of tens of millions lives. Russia's war in Ukraine has killed tens of thousands of people and pushed the global economy into uncharted waters with soaring food and energy prices amid the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the Cold War.Ĭhina has refrained from condemning Russia's operation against Ukraine or calling it an "invasion" in line with the Kremlin, which casts the war as "a special military operation".75 years ago, representatives of the United Nations saved the world from a terrible threat - Nazism. Chinas recently announced a new official national holiday (Sept. After the First World War in 1918, the victorious Allied Powers divided the destroyed Ottoman Empire. Also known as Turkish Armed Forces Day, this holiday commemorates the Turkish victory over the Greeks in the 1922 Battle of Dumlupnar. The Chinese government has set September 3 the day after Japan signed the surrender document as 'Anniversary of the Anti-Japan War Victory Day' from 6 years ago. Victory Day is an annual holiday celebrated in Turkey on August 30. The meetings come after Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin held face-to-face talks in Uzbekistan on Thursday, their first since the outbreak of the Ukraine war. Not performed speech Xi Jinping Jintao at the ceremony, also in television programs that tell the ceremony did not have a direct criticism of Japan. Patrushev will attend the 17th round of China's Russia strategic security consultations and the 7th meeting of the China-Russia law enforcement security cooperation during his visit, the foreign ministry said in a statement released on its website on Sunday. In Singapore, the conflict over dates was related to the aforementioned victory day celebration ceremony hosted at the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce. BEIJING, Sept 18 (Reuters) - Russian Security Council secretary Nikolai Patrushev will hold security consultations and meetings during a two-day visit to China starting Sunday, China's foreign ministry said.